Otome Visual Novel ‘Charade Maniacs’ Gets June Release Date for Switch; Limited Edition Revealed

Idea Factory International announced that the Idea Factory-developed otome visual novel Charade Maniacs will launch on Nintendo Switch on June 27, 2023, in North America and Europe.

Further, the publisher revealed a limited edition of the game, which includes:

  • Game (with reversible cover sleeve)
  • Steel Game Case
  • “Behind the Curtain” Hardcover Art Book (68 pages)
  • Charade Maniacs: Curtain Call Drama CD
  • Charade Maniacs The Next Act Short Novel (44 pages)
  • 10 Card Bromide Set
  • Collector’s Box
  • Exclusive Trading Card

Pre-orders for the limited edition will be available on May 2.

Charade Maniacs tells the story of a high school sophomore called Hiyori Sena. After being abducted by a mysterious, masked figure, she’s trapped in the mysterious world of Arcadia with nine men. There, they’re forced to act in dramas to have a chance to escape this place. However, one of them may be a traitor, so can she really trust them?

Relevant staff members include scenario writer Uta Amemiya, whose previous works include the short episodes of the PlayStation Vita otome Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, and character designer Teita from the Norn9 series. It was originally released on PlayStation Vita in Japan back in 2018.

You can check out the limited edition below:

Charade Maniacs

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.