Judgment Gets a Remastered Version on PS5 and Xbox Series X With April Release Date

Sega announced that the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio-developed action detective brawler Judgment will launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X on April 23 for $39.99.

This current-generation version of Judgment will take advantage of the more powerful hardware by delivering 60 fps visuals and improved load times. Additionally, all previously released DLC will be including at launch. Sadly, there’s no mention of a PC release at this time, which is something that many fans are looking forward to.

Judgment was initially released on PlayStation 4 in 2019. The game features a handful of different systems that players can use to get through missions. The adventure is set in Kamurocho, which isn’t the safest city in Japan. After a string of serial murders, the citizens have been on edge. It’s up to detective Takayuki Yagami and his partner Kaito to track down the truth using many skills.

Players can follow targets during an investigation but must stay hidden. If caught, the suspect will flee in which the player needs to run and catch them. There’s also plenty of flashy fights that the player can get into, as well as snap selfies after their small victories. Gadgets become available to players to use cameras and drones as they acquire evidence to use to make the case stronger, along with a handful of mini-games and a deep narrative that wraps it all together.

In case you missed it, check out our review.

You can watch the trailer for Judgment on PS5 and Xbox Series X below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.