Mutant Year Zero Developers Detail Adventure and Tactical Gameplay Features in New Video

Funcom released a new video for Malmö studio’s upcoming tactical adventure Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on December 4.

The video has the developers walk you through the game’s features which aims to fuse adventure and tactical gameplay into a seamless transition. The execution of these features is actually pretty interesting to watch when one second you’re searching through a wasteland with your party, and the next you’re in turn-based combat trying to sneak into an enemy base.

In Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, players will control a party of characters aimed with the task of going out into the radiated wasteland of a post-apocalyptical world in order to gather supplies for the last human civilization. However, during the game’s story question emerge that have them wondering what they actually doing and who they are working for.

You can watch the new trailer below to get a better understanding of the game from the developers:

Author’s take: This game just looks dope and satisfies the adventure and RPG nerd that rests within me. I’m also interested in the story since I don’t trust the last full human that runs the compound. I’m eager to discover what secrets he’s hiding.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.