Classic Yuri Visual Novels ‘Akai Ito’ & ‘Aoi Shiro’ To Receive HD Remaster in 2023 for PC and Switch with English Translation

Success Corporation has announced the HD remastered editions of Akai Ito and Aoi Shiro for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. They’ll be available in those platforms in 2023 and the company plans to have English text alongside the Japanese and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) subtitle options. The games will be sold individually in their digital forms but also together in a physical bundle edition.

Akai Ito and Aoi Shiro are a duology of yuri mystery visual novels originally developed for the PlayStation 2. Neither game included sexual content in their previous releases as they focus more on the tragedy aspect of the protagonists’ relationship.

In Akai Ito, we assume the role of Kei Hatou (CV: Matsuki Miyu), a young girl who’s nice and carefree. After losing her family, she decides to visit the house in Hemizuka which was originally her father’s. On the way there, she has a mysterious dream of a huge tree and a woman who seems completely torn by sadness. She’ll soon find out it’s all connected to secrets hidden in Hemizuka.

Aoi Shiro tells the story of a 2nd-year student called Osanai Shouko (CV: Hidaka Noriko). As the ace of the kendo team, she’s well liked and constantly strives to be the best, but she gets teased often for being too serious. During Summer, the kendo team decides to do a training camp at Shoushinji. Near there lies Urashima, an island rumored to be related to demon extermination long ago. When a mysterious girl washes up on the shore, hidden truths will come to light.

Check out the announcement trailer:

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Ivanir Ignacchitti

Random Japanese games are my jam. Handhelds, RPGs, VNs and PC banzai.