UPDATES: Star Ocean The Divine Force Soundtrack Available for Pre-Order; 4 CDs, November 2022 Shipment

Square Enix Japan has announced that the original soundtrack for their upcoming action JRPG, Star Ocean The Divine Force, is now available for pre-order via various digital storefronts.

Costing ¥4,180 (tax included) and expected to ship on November 2, 2022, fans can look forward to a 4-CD set of various tracks from the title. Still, the number of songs and the tracklist have not yet been provided.

The storefronts one can pre-order from are listed below, though a few have not yet listed the product:

UPDATE 9/15/2022: The soundtrack is now available for pre-order via Square Enix North America for $42.99 ahead of an expected November 2022 shipment.

UPDATE 11/2/2022: Previews of the soundtrack can be listened to via Apple Music and Square Enix Japan. The soundtrack will also comprise 89 songs.

UPDATE 11/24/2022: Previews of the soundtrack have been uploaded to YouTube, listenable below:


Star Ocean The Divine Force is the newest RPG from developer Tri-Ace. The game features a sci-fi setting as the sixth entry in the franchise with an action-focused battle system. This narrative tells an original story led by protagonist Raymond, the captain of a space trading ship, along with Ydas, and Laeticia, the princess-knight of an underdeveloped planet. After how lukewarm Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness was, it’s relieving to see this series be given another new chance.

Throughout Star Ocean The Divine Force, players get to choose between protagonists Raymond and Laeticia, witnessing the story from multiple unique insights. Raymond’s perceptions offer more sci-fi know-how, while Laeticia’s perspective focuses more on fantasy elements. Combat is real-time, utilizing quick maneuvers such as chain attacks that highly benefit from contextual positioning on the battlefield. Further, the addition of Stop Mode allows players to literally pause the action, letting them form new stratagems on the fly.

Star Ocean The Divine Force is releasing on October 27, 2022, for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.