Classic RTS Titles ‘Commandos 2 and Praetorians’ HD Remastered Versions Available Now

Kalypso has launched the Pyro Studios-developed HD Remasters of two classic strategy titles, Commandos 2 HD Remaster and Praetorians HD Remaster. These two games set the bar for strategy games to come when the originally launched for PC in the early 2000s.

Given that it’s been almost 20 years since their original release, players can return to the RPG series to spend 100s of more hours of their life. However, this time, they’ll be seeing the game with some visual and system improvements.

Both games have received updates in resolutions and textures along with re-worked character models, with extra polygons. The presentation is now more detailed and truly 3D across the maps that, thanks to the updated resolutions, the game has aged well given that it wasn’t always the prettiest of games. It’s been a result of a full year of development for the team, which can be seen in the trailer below.

With the same gameplay quality and diversity of the grand strategic combat that got us all hooked, fans can return the RTS campaigns of both titles. However, this is also a great way to introduce new players to the classic series in hopes that they receive updates and new entries in the future.

Commandos 2 and Praetorians are available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and Mobile.

You can watch the trailer below:

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