Space Channel 5 VR Launches Today, Developer Reveals Hatsune Miku Collaboration as DLC

Grounding is preparing to release their VR rhythm game Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash on PlayStation VR later today in North America and February 26 for the rest of the world.

However, the developer has also announced that they plan to release a Hatsune Miku collaboration as DLC. This will allow players to dance with both Ulala and Hatsune Miku during the game. More details about the DLC will come at a later date, so this is more like a DLC tease.

Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash is developed by members of the original development team of Space Channel 5 and bring the series into a new decade. Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! is set in “Space Channel 5,” the premiere space TV station of the 25th Century. Players will physically join senior reporter Ulala as a rookie, by dancing, posing, and grooving while holding PlayStation Move motion controllers.

The English voice cast also returns to the project and includes Cherami Leigh taking over the lead role as Ulala, and Tom Clarke-Hill returning to reprise his role as Jaguar. Other cast members include Cassandra Lee Morris as newcomer Kell and Greg Chun as the being terrorizing the galaxy, Glitter.

Players will be able to play through a few different modes including Arcade, Story Mode, and Viewing Mode. Other modes include Trial Mode, where players can play through 100 dances in a row. There’s also a dressing room where players can dress Ulala in new costumes.

In case you missed it, check out our interview with the developer.

You can watch the launch trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.