Mary Skelter Finale Website Updated; New Character Profiles, Screenshots, Job System Detailed

Idea Factory International has recently updated its website for the Compile Heart developed Mary Skelter Finale, the upcoming fittingly titled final entry of the Mary Skelter series. This website update features character profiles for Itsuki, Takumi, Rapunzel, Pyre, and Sleeping Beauty, new screenshots to peruse, and mechanical information to digest ahead of release.

The Job System is discussed and should assuredly be familiar with those who have played either or both of the prior 2 titles. Each Blood Maiden can alter their Jobs for new outfits, preferred weapon types, and skills. The maidens have over 5 Jobs each, and experimental variation across the Jobs is paramount to overcoming this dungeon crawler’s perilous threats. Additionally, the Maidens earn CP when leveling up, which is used to unlock skills spread across each Job.

New character renders and profiles were provided for Rapunzel, Pyre, Sleeping Beauty, Itsuki, and Takumi, which are below:

Lastly, several new official screenshots showcasing Jobs, skill acquisition, and other mechanics were released, which can be viewed below:

You can view more information on the recently updated Characters, System, and Gallery sections on the official website.

Mary Skelter Finale includes 3 light novels digitally in-game that expand the series universe and a “Before Story” option that informs new players or catches up experienced ones on the events that took place back during Mary Skelter: Nightmares and Mary Skelter 2.

If you missed it, check out our coverage on the 2 visual novels that will be freely included in Mary Skelter Finale.

Mary Skelter Finale is releasing for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch on September 30, 2021.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.