Fashion Dreamer Now Available for Pre-Order Ahead of November 2023 Release

Marvelous and XSEED have recently announced that pre-orders for the syn Sophia-developed dress-up adventure game Fashion Dreamer are now available both physically via select retailers or digitally via the Nintendo eShop. The game will launch Nintendo Switch on November 3, 2023.

All digital pre-orders will get a 10% discount off the $49.99 original price, and as an additional bonus, all pre-orders will also get access to the Chic Outfit Pattern Set DLC, which provides an early unlock for four rare patterns that can be found in-game to help build your brand.

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In Fashion Dreamer, players are taken to the virtual world of Eve, where fashion fantasies are made real, and anyone can become the ultimate trendsetter. You can express your unique styles using an avatar called a Muse and create your own haute couture with over 1400 collectible items with your favorite styles and colors for a truly unique flair. Once you’ve found the perfect signature style, you can display your latest line of outfits in your own customizable showroom to turn heads and elevate their brand to the next level.

Furthermore, by connecting to the Internet, players can snag other Muses’ outfits for themselves or find inspiration for their next ensemble. The virtual space is bustling with Muses, fashion fans who are always on the lookout for new inspiration. Dazzle them with the freshest fits to earn their Likes and grow as an iconic fashion influencer.

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