Zenless Zone Zero Will Appear at Gamescom 2023 Opening Night Live

HoYoverse just published a brand-new teaser trailer for their upcoming 3D anime-style Zenless Zone Zero, after months of silence. While the trailer did not show any gameplay footage, it reveals that the game will be featured on the Gamescom 2023 Opening Night Live, which will be airing on August 22, 2023. Whether that means we’ll finally have a release window, or new gameplay footage, is yet to be seen. We’ll be keeping you updated on further developments.

Zenless Zone Zero features a fluid, cinematic action-oriented combat system. Players in the game take on the role of a “Proxy”, a special professional who guides people in their exploration of Hollows. Contemporary civilization has been destroyed by a supernatural disaster known as the “Hollows.”

They grow exponentially out of thin air, creating disordered dimensions where mysterious monsters dubbed the “Ethereal” roam. New Eridu, the last urban civilization that survived the apocalypse, managed to thrive by acquiring the technology to extract valuable resources out of the Hollows.

Zenless Zone Zero will be coming to PC and mobile devices. You can watch the trailer below:

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