Phil Spencer Says Xbox Mid-Generation Refresh Currently Not Needed

The console space has always had the idea of a mid-generation refresh, whether it redesigns the looks of a console or upgrades the hardware. Microsoft has never shied away from the practice, famously, as the Xbox One had many different console iterations before the Xbox Series X|S took center stage.

However, Phil Spencer stopped by the IGN Gamescom room and spoke about why the team at Xbox doesn’t feel the need to update their hardware at this moment.

Phil explained that it would be more beneficial for devs to settle in with the current hardware rather than having to learn new specifications. He further added the following:

“But in terms of increased frame rate and increased resolution, I just look at what goes on on PC with high-end GPUs and high-end CPU, and it’s not always just about pixel count or frame resolution. I think there’s lighting techniques. There’s a bunch of things that go into what makes a game look and feel great. And we have a ton of headroom as an industry there.”

It’s clear that Xbox is looking at different ways to improve how games look that don’t rely on the most advanced technology. This new view doesn’t mean that there won’t be a console refresh later down the line. For now, Xbox owners will not need to worry if they should upgrade anytime soon.

You can read the full interview at IGN.

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Nathan Mejia

The guy who will play anything you throw at him. Will talk your ear off about anything and everything Video Game, Music, and Anime related. You have been warned.