Strategy RPG ‘Arknights’ Gets Chapter 5 Launch Date and Animated Trailer

YoStar announced that the Chapter 5 update for their tower-defence strategy RPG, Arknights, will launch on February 26 on iOS and Android devices.

Chapter 5 opens with “Necessary Solutions,” the first part of the update. To access the content, players will need to clear Operation 4-10.

From February 21 through March 6, characters will get a rate up on gacha rolls for a few characters. Additionally, new outfits of Vitafield Series Classics will be available from February 26 through March 25.

The developer also released the full animated trailer for the update, which sets the tone of Chapter 5. Mostly though, it’s just cool to watch.

In Arknights, players assume the role of a member of Rhodes Island, which is the most advanced Infected research institution in the world. In this world, a material known as Originium Ore has begun infected humans. Without any real knowledge of the infection, countries have expelled those who are infected, leaving them without any actual path in life. The infected begin to rally together in what is known as the Reunion, where they plan to take back their lives. Still, Rhodes Island aims to cure this design through any means possible.

It’s up to the player to follow their leader, Amiya, and recruit Operators, train them, then assign them to rescue the victims, deal with disputes, and fight against the Reunion.

In case you missed it, check out our review of the game.

You can watch the trailer below:

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.