New Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Trailer Elucidates the Titular Dreadwolf; Narrated by Varric Tethras

EA and Bioware have shared a brief new trailer for their still highly-elusive adventure RPG, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, lightly discussing the lore surrounding the Dreadwolf himself. The dwarf character, Varric Tethras, narrated the short video.

If you missed it, this game was initially titled in June 2022, and it celebrated its Alpha Milestone in October of that same year while also confirming that the capital of the Tevinter Empire, Minrathous, will be explorable. It’s a notable locale fueled by magic, and its visual identity is stated to be especially spectacular.

You can view the 1-minute trailer discussing the fabled Dreadwolf below:

The previous update on the title stated that visual fidelity and iterating on gameplay features would be worked on next, with the team also having received extensive feedback from various reliable sources, including their Community Council, quality verification team, and playtesters.

The story was the next primary focus, with the following passage by EA General Manager Gary McKay being especially noteworthy:

“…we can now evaluate the game’s pacing, how relationships evolve over time, and the player’s progression, as well as narrative cohesion—essentially how the story comes together. We can take the story we’ve written and see if we’re expressing it well through the characters, dialogue, cinematics, and ultimately, the player’s journey. Now that we have the ability to do a complete playthrough, we can iterate and polish on the things that matter most to our fans.”

Fans can look forward to further transparency and updates on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf in the future. You can learn of future revealed information about the game via the official Dragon Age website.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is releasing at an unknown time with no platforms yet confirmed.

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.