Episodic Video Series Updates Players on the Story of Shenmue I & II

If you’re one of those players reading about all this Shemue related news and wondering what the buzz is about then Sega has you covered. In an effort to catch new and returning players up to speed, Sega is releasing videos related to their re-release of Shenmue I & II, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on August 21.

Released as “What is Shenmue? Part 1: The Story”, the video explains the situation of the characters within the Shenmue universe, hosted by Corey Marchall, the English voice actor for Ryo Hazuki.

In Shenmue I & II, the main protagonist, Ryo, is investigating the murder of his father in a quest for revenge. As Ryo gets closer to the truth, he discovers more about the Dragon Mirror, an artifact that his father ended up dying to protect, and Lan Di, the man in the Chinese robes who assassinated his father. Players will need to explore the town of Yokosuka and make their way through various locations in China.

More videos will be released leading up to the launch of the game.

You can watch Part 1 below:

Author’s take: Shenmue was originally shown to me with no introduction and I immediately fell in love with it, yea, I wasn’t so jaded about video games in 2002. I consider myself not fully in support of re-releases, but then I saw that I pre-order Shenmue I & II right away.

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Azario Lopez

Hanging out max, relaxing all cool.