Denuvo Now Available as Nintendo Switch Middleware

Denuvo is a name that many gamers are familiar with; it is essentially a small amount of security tools that prevent piracy for PC games. This software has been heavily scrutinized not only for possible security risks but also due to the impact the software has on computers when running Denuvo for security. Today, Denuvo announced that their DRM tools are now available for Nintendo Switch.

This move has made them official middleware available for developers on the Nintendo Developer Portal. According to Irdeto, the company behind Denuvo, this is to combat the emulation of Switch software on PC, which Nintendo has famously been fighting against for years.

The way this code works is currently unknown, but Irdeto promises that it will not impact performance on the native console. At the same time, developers will need only to activate it during the build of a game and insert code for the necessary checks.

The Denuvo Anticheat software has been on consoles before, but this marks the first time the DRM software has been used to combat emulation. The effects of this are currently unknown, but granted that even with Denuvo DRM on PC releases have been cracked before, there is no reason to believe this arm of the software is any different.

Check out the tweet announcement below.

For those wanting to read more about it, here is the full press release from Irdeto.

Denuvo is currently not on any Switch games but will start to be found as developers begin to integrate the tool into their projects.

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Nathan Mejia

The guy who will play anything you throw at him. Will talk your ear off about anything and everything Video Game, Music, and Anime related. You have been warned.