Granblue Fantasy: Relink Announces February 2024 Release Date

Cygames has announced that Granblue Fantasy: Relink will launch worldwide for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam on February 1, 2024. Pre-orders will become available on August 23, 2023, at 2 AM CEST, for both Deluxe and Collector’s Editions.

Check out our more recent coverage for far more details.


We’ll keep you all updated on the development of Granblue Fantasy: Relink.

Players will form parties with memorable characters from the series, but the game will actually take place in a fictional realm not connected. This also means that there’s a chance new characters will be introduced at a later date.

The game will also feature several mechanics meant for those not experienced with the action RPG genre, likely due to the source game material playing out entirely differently. Still, bouts look incredibly fast-paced, so even those of us possessing an abundant history with the genre should have a fun time regardless.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink

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Orpheus Joshua

Random gamer equally confused by the mainstream and the unusual.